From the Yale Center for Traumatic Stress and Recovery, developers of CFTSI:
What is CFTSI?
The Child and Family Traumatic Stress Intervention (CFTSI) is a brief (5‐8 session), evidence‐based early intervention for children 7 to 18 years old, young children ages 3-6, and children in foster care, that reduces traumatic stress reactions and the onset of PTSD. CFTSI is implemented within 30-45 days following a traumatic event or the disclosure of physical or sexual abuse. CFTSI is used successfully with children with extensive trauma histories. In addition, CFTSI can act as a seamless introduction to longer‐term treatment and other mental health interventions when necessary.
The goal of CFTSI is to decrease post-traumatic stress reactions and onset of PTSD by increasing communication and family support. As an evidence‐based early intervention, CFTSI fills the gap between standardized acute interventions and evidence‐based, longer‐term treatments required to deal with enduring posttraumatic reactions.
CFTSI Outcomes
A randomized controlled trial completed at Yale in 2009 found that Children receiving CFTSI:
- Were 65% less likely than comparison youth to meet criteria for full PTSD at three month follow-up
- Were 73% less likely than comparison youth to meet combined criteria for partial and full PTSD at the three-month follow-up
- Program evaluation conducted on CFTSI cases completed at the four Safe Horizon Child Advocacy Centers in New York City consistently shows comparable reduction in symptoms.
Watch a short overview video of CFTSI here.
Find a CFTSI Provider or Get Trained in CFTSI:
The Yale Center for Traumatic Stress and Recovery offers CFTSI through its Trauma Clinic, conducts ongoing research and evaluation on its efficacy and outcomes, and also trains behavioral health clinicians and organizations on how to implement the CFTSI treatment. Learn more at their website below: